Raising Suicide Awareness Across the Country

One Step at a Time

Mike, Andy and Tim, 3 dads, are walking between the parliaments of the 4 nations in memory of their beloved daughters Beth, Sophie and Emily. Suicide is the biggest killer of those under the age of 35 in the UK. Their mission is to raise awareness in hope to prevent other families being devastated by suicide, whilst highlighting the help PAPYRUS can offer across the UK.
Following on from the success of their walk in 2021, when they originally planned to raise £3000 each for the charity PAPYRUS, however they managed to raise an incredible £800,000! This time they hope raise close to £1,000,000 for the charity. Ged Flynn, PAPYRUS CEO, has praised the 3 dads, he said 'they have changed the landscape of suicide awareness'. The walk began in Belfast on the 9th September, they will finish their walk in Westminster on the 10th October which is world mental health day.
Mike is a firefighter from Manchester, the place where Beth spent her whole life as a part of a busy community. Mike described his beloved daughter, 'Beth was such a happy loving child, always surrounded by friends and family she was incredibly popular with her wit and zest for life.'

Andy is from Cumbria, he spends a lot of his time working and playing in the Lake District Fells with his family Fiona and Gregor. Andy's daughter tragically took her own life in December 2018. He describes Sophie, 'Sophie was a beautiful little girl with the blondest of hair and broadest of smiles who grew up to be a beautiful young woman who lit up every room she entered.'

Tim is from Norfolk, this is where Emily grew up with her family and where she loved to play football. On the 18th March 2020 Tims family's world was turned upside down when Emily attempted to take her own life, she later died in hospital 5 days later, at just 19 years old. Tim describes Emily, 'Emily lived a life at a million miles an hour, a free-spirit with no limits, charging around in her beloved Mini and traveling to Cornwall as often as possible - a place she so loved. Most people saw Emily as this 'beautiful, funny, talented but slightly crazy young lady' as one of her friends described her.



This is a charity that is very close to our hearts here at Whale Of A Time, we will be supporting Mike, Andy and Tim on their incredible challenge. The 3 Dads will wearing our Whale Of A Time hats and jumpers for their walk. We will follow their journey and keep you updated via our socials so do keep an eye! 
To follow their whole journey head over to their instagram @3dadswalking and youtube. You can donate and find more information here. 
We wish Mike, Andy and Tim the best of luck!